Curriculum Vitae



                      FICTION SITE:  In the Land of the Feathered Serpent

A PDF of this CV can be downloaded at Brusca CV.pdf
See recent essays and editorials here pdf


	PhD: 1975, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
	MSc: 1970, California State University (Los Angeles, CA)
	BS: 1967, California State Polytechnic University (San Luis Obispo/Pomona, CA)


2011-present, Executive Director, Emeritus, and Research Associate.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
1998-2024: Research Scientist, University of Arizona, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
  2001-2010:  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  Executive Director, 2003-2009; Senior Director, Conservation & Science,
      2001-2010; Director, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press, 2002-2010.
1999-2023: Adjunct Professor, Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo (CIAD), Hermosillo, Sonora,
  1998-2001:  Senior Research Scientist, Columbia University, New York.
1993-1998:  Professor of Biology and Director, Graduate Program in Marine Biology (and Associate Director, Grice
    Marine Biological Laboratory), University/College of Charleston, SC.
1987-1993: Joshua L. Baily Chair and Curator, Invertebrate Zoology Department, San Diego Natural History Museum
    (Chief Curator, 1988-1990, Director, Research & Collections Division, 1990-1992)
1984-1987: Curator of Crustacea and Head, Invertebrate Zoology Section, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural
    History, Los Angeles
1980-1983: Director of Academic Programs, Catalina Marine Science Center, University of Southern California.
1975-1986: Assistant/Associate Professor of Biology (tenured) & Curator of Crustacea, Dept. Biological Sciences and
    Allan Hancock Foundation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.  Brusca 1980 AHF.pdf


2005-2019.  Consultant, Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Program.
2017-2019:  Founding Member, Board of Directors, Western Flyer Foundation (  Advisory Board, 2019-present.
2018-2019:  Volunteer with Tucson’s Sanctuary Program:  Catholic Family Services migrant assistance program and Tucson migrant legal clinic (KTT, “Keeping Tucson Together”).
2015-present:  Subconsejo Técnico Científico del Parque Nacional Cabo Pulmo (Technical Advisory Board, Cabo Pulmo National Park), member.
2014-present:  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Sonoran Desert Conservation Award, member of Selection Committee.
2012-2021:  Member of Science & Conservation Committee, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.
2011-2017:  Board of Directors, Tohono Chul Park. Tucson, AZ.  President 2015-2016. 
2010-2015:  Science Advisory Board, Habitat Tracker Project, Florida State University (
2009-2017:  Board of Directors, COBI (Comunidad y Biodiversidad, A.C.), Mexico ( 
2008-present:  Invited member, Expert Panel, Catalogue of Life project 
2002-present:  Advisory Board, Prescott College Kino Bay Center Research (Kino Bay, Sonora, Mexico)
2012-2013:  Invertebrate Consultant, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)/USGS Coastal Biogeographic Risk
    Assessment Program.
2012-2013:  UNESCO-CONANP Expert Consultant in support of World Heritage Site designation for El Pinacate y El Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve. 
2012:  IUCN World Heritage Programme consultant.
2010-2011:  Co-Organizer, Gulf of California-Baja California Conservation Science Symposium.  Loreto, Baja California,
    May 2011
2011:  Co-organizer and Site Field Guide (San Carlos, Sonora), “The Sea of Cortez Art Expedition” (with David Wagner:
2009:  Reviewer, Encyclopedia of Life Rubenstein Fellowship Program
2009.  Participant, Arizona Game & Fish Department-Arizona Heritage Program Invertebrate Diversity Review
2008-2011:  Co-founder (and Board of Directors), Southern Arizona Buffelgrass Coordination Center (SABCC)
2008-2011.  Science Reviewer, Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch research reports
2008:  Exhibit development collaboration (Intimate Relationships) honoring pollinators, for the multimedia exhibition and performing arts event “Resonating Bodies-Bumble Domicile.”  A 2008 production of Interaccess Electronic Media Arts Centre, Toronto, Ontario Canada.
2008:  Invited participant, Foundations of Success (FOS) adaptive management-based strategic planning workshop for
    Comunidad y Biodiversidad (COBI)
2008:  Invited peer consultant, Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Bering to Baja (B2B) Marine Protected Areas Assessment Program
2007-2014:  University of Arizona, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth (ISPE), Translational Environmental Research,
    Member of External Advisory Committee
2007-2011:  Appointed member, Advisory Board, Friends of Saguaro National Park
2006-2010:  Appointed member, Arizona Invasive Species Advisory Council (appointed by Governor Janet Napolitano)
2006-2008:  Appointed member, Board of Directors, Discover Life in America (oversight of Great Smoky Mountains All
    Taxon Biodiversity Inventory).
2006-2008.  Advisor, "Strange Days on Planet Earth."  Eight-part television PBS series designed to improve science education
    and introduce the public to major global change issues.  Produced by Sea Studios Foundation in cooperation with National
    Geographic Television and National Science Foundation.
2005:  Invited member, Encuesta Nacional Para la Identificación de Prioridades de Conservación de la Biodiversidad en
    México (National Planning Process for Conservation Priority Setting in Mexico), CONABIO and Comision Nacional de
    Areas Naturales Protegidas, Mexico
2004-2011:  ASDM Research Coordinator Representative to AZA (American Zoo and Aquarium Association)
2004:  Organizer, The Gulf of California Conference 2004.  Tucson, Arizona (concept, organization, fund-raising)
2004:  Juror, Art of the Sea of Cortez.  A juried exhibition of the Art Institute, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
2004:  Member, Academic Program Review Panel, Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Insect Science, University 
     of Arizona
2003-2014:  Member, Advisory Board to School of Renewable Natural Resources, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
2003:  Juror, Nature Painted.  A juried exhibition of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Art Institute
2003:  Member, Academic Program Review Panel, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department, University of Arizona
2002-2011:  Member, Executive Committee, Desert Southwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (DS-CESU)
2002-2008:  Member, Management Board, Sonoran Joint Venture
2002-2003:  Invited participant, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Global International Waters Assessment
        Project.  Development of an integrated assessment of transboundary environmental problems and societal root causes
        associated in the Lower Colorado River, its Delta, and the Upper Gulf of California
2002:  Invited participant, Colorado River Delta Specialists Workshop.  Developing a GIS-based map and database for
        conservation of the region (Sonoran Institute and University of Arizona)
2001-2010:  Member, Science and Technical Advisory Team, Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan, Pima County, Arizona
2001-2004:  Member, Biological Experts Group, Agua Caliente Aquatic Ecosystem Study, Pima County, Arizona
2000-2001:  Director, Case Study Project, Pinacate/Gran Desierto and Upper Gulf of California/Colorado Delta Biosphere
        Reserves.  UNESCO International Conference on Biodiversity and Society (April 2001), New York
2000-2001:  Member of Steering Committee, UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme International Conference on Biodiversity and Society (April 2001, New York City).
2000:  Advisor, Global All-Species Inventory Initiative
2000:  Invited participant, Udall Center (UofA)/UCMEXUS (Univ. Calif.) Binational Workshops on International Water
    Policy Issues and Management in Lower Colorado River Watershed.  (October & November, 2000)
2000-2009:  Board of Directors, Sonoran Sea Aquarium
2000:  Invited Participant, World Wildlife Fund workshop on "Selection and Prioritization of Protected Marine and Coastal
        Zones in the Gulf of California."  Guaymas, Sonora (2/14-2/17)
1999-2001:  Research Associate, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.
1998-2004:  Member, Board of Directors, CEDO (Center for the Study of Deserts & Oceans).  Member of Executive Committee, 1998-2004; member of Research Advisory Board, 1998-2004.
1998:  Plenary speaker, Annual Systematics Symposium, Missouri Botanical Garden.
1997-1998:  Co-organizer (with Dr. Brian Kensley, Smithsonian Institution), 2nd International Isopod Conference, Amsterdam (July 15-18, 1998).
1997-1998:  Co-organizer, 2nd National Science Foundation PEET Workshop: Training Tomorrow's Systematists.  Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
1997-1998:  Invited Nominator, PEW Fellows Program in Conservation and the Environment.
1997-2000:  Board of Advisors, "The Shape of Life." An eight-part PBS series designed to improve science education and introduce the public to the animal kingdom.  Produced by Sea Studios Foundation, in cooperation with National Geographic Television, National Science Foundation, and WNET.  Reborn as the Shape of Life. The Story of the Animal Kingdom:
1997-1999:  Australian Research Council.  Member, Panel of Assessors.
1996:  Invited plenary speaker, Phylogeny of Life Conference, University of Arizona, Tucson (
1996-1999:  Editor (Crustacea Pages) and author (Isopod Page), Tree of Life Project (
1995-2001:  Board of Directors, Slocum-Lunz Foundation.
1995-2005:  Taxonomic Specialist and Contractor, ETI (Expert Center for Taxonomic Identification), University of Amsterdam.
1995-1996.  National Geographic Explorer (National Geographic Society).
1995:  Invited participant and organization committee member, North America - South Africa: University Linkages Planning Workshop Series (Charleston, Washington D.C., Johannesburg).
1994-2004:  Appointed member, IUCN/SSC Inland Water Crustacea Specialist Group, IUCN Species Survival Commission.
1994:  National Science Foundation, Panelist, workshop to develop criteria and guidelines for systematic biology.
1994-1997:  Department of the Interior, ephemeral waters consultant to Bruce Babbitt, Secretary of the Interior.
1994-1996:  N.O.A.A. National Undersea Research Program, member of grants review panel.
1991-1998:  Polar Collections Advisory Committee, Smithsonian Institution/N.S.F. (Chair, 1991-1992).
1991-1993:  Systematics Agenda 2000: Integrating Biological Diversity and Societal Needs (a national initiative), Co-Chair, Committee on Monographs and Classification.
1991-1992:   "Darkened Waters: Profile of an Oil Spill," a traveling exhibit by the Pratt Museum (Homer, Alaska) on the Alaska Exxon Valdez oil spill; member of Advisory Panel and scientific editor for "Darkened Waters" (N. Lord, 66pp.), Pratt Museum, Homer.
1990-1994:  Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, benthic invertebrate consultant (through Dames & Moore, Inc.).
1989-1993:  Head, Diving Control Board, San Diego Natural History Museum.
1988-1993:  Adjunct Professor of Biology, California State University, San Diego.
1988-2000:  PharmaMar, Madrid.  Invertebrate zoologist, expedition planner, and scientific diving consultant.
1988-1990:  National Academy of Sciences Advisory Panel Member, PBS series "The Infinite Voyage" (National Academy of Sciences/WQED Pittsburgh).
1986-1990:  National Science Foundation, Biological Systematics Program, Advisory Panel member.
1985-1998:  Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), field reviewer.
1985-1988:  SeaPharm, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute. Invertebrate zoology consultant.
1985-1986:  University Research Committee, advisory to President of the University, U.S.C.
1984-1986, 1991-1996:  The Charles Lindbergh Fund, Member of Technical Review Panels.
1982-1986:  Organization for Tropical Studies (O.T.S.), Member, Board of Directors.
1980-1995.  The Crustacean Society (Founding and Charter Member, 1980; Program Officer 1986-1987; President 1992-93; Past-President 1994-1995).
1970-1972:  Resident Director, University of Arizona-University of Sonora Cooperative Marine Laboratory, Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico.
1969-1970:  Curator and Assistant Investigator, Aquatic Insects Laboratory, California State University, Los Angeles, CA.
1968-1969:   Research Biochemist, CalBioChem, Los Angeles, CA.
1964-1965:   Marine Biologist, U.S. Antarctic Research Program (USARP); 7 months in Antarctica


Courses taught (grad and undergrad):  Summer Biodiversity Institute; Insect Biodiversity and Land Use Change in Sonora; Invertebrate Zoology; Vertebrate Zoology; Desert Ecology; Natural History of Baja California and the Sea of Cortez;
Biological Systematics; Biogeography and Paleoecology; General Zoology; Marine Biology; Marine Ecology; Crustacean
Biology; Man and the Sea; Parasitology; Seminars on: Macroevolution, Cladistics, Phylogenetic Analysis, Biogeography, Evolutionary Morphology of Arthropods; Scientific Writing; Misc. field courses in Mainland Mexico and Baja California,
Costa Rica, Panama and Florida.

1981-1983:  Director of Academic Programs, Catalina Marine Science Center, U.S.C.  Responsible for organizing and
        overseeing spring undergraduate and summer graduate teaching programs at Catalina Island Marine Laboratory.

1993-1999:  Director, Graduate Program in Marine Biology, University of South Carolina, SC.  Management of graduate
        program with ~60 students and ~95 graduate faculty; program management, long-term curricular planning and
        implementation, acquisition of extramural funding.

PhD Students:  Pedro Baez (with Jody Martin), Robert Cimberg, James Coyer, Paul Delaney, Richard Hammer, Philip Pepe,
Diane Perry, Timothy Stebbins, Carol Stepien, Raymond Wells, Joseph Wible, Mary Wicksten (with John Garth), Richard
Winn, Richard Zimmerman (with James N. Kremer).

MSc Students:  Ali Eshkey, Wendy Moore, Sarah Riseman, Melina Thun, Sandy Trautwein, Barry Wallerstein, David White.

PostDocs:  Vania Coelho (now on faculty at Dominican University, CA), Scott France (now on faculty at University of
Louisiana), Kim Franklin (now Conservation Biologist, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum), Julia Kouwenberg (currently
working for European Union), Zhiwei Liu (now on faculty at Eastern Illinois University), Wallace M. Meyer (now on faculty, Pomona College).


Invertebrate zoology; ecology and evolutionary biology; marine biology; biodiversity, biogeography, and ecology of marine
and ephemeral freshwater habitats; systematics, evolution, biogeography and ecology of crustaceans; natural history and
conservation of the Sonoran Desert and Sea of Cortez; natural history of the Sky Islands (Arizona-Mexico); cultural archeology of northwestern Mexico; cultural anthropology of Mesoamerica.


2016.  SCHLINGER FOUNDATION.  Support for Arthropod Research.  $10,000
2015.  SCHLINGER FOUNDATION.  Support for Arthropod Research.  $5000
2014.  SCHLINGER FOUNDATION.  Support for Arthropod Research.  $5000
2013.  SCHLINGER FOUNDATION.  Support for Archaeological Research.  $5000
2012.  SCHLINGER FOUNDATION.  Support for Archaeological Research.  $5000
 SCHLINGER FOUNDATION.  Support for Archaeological Research.  $5000. 
2011-2013.  NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY.  Will Climate Change Cause Mass Extinction in Arizona’s Remote Sky Islands Region? The Effects of Climate Change on Ground-Dwelling Arthropod Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in the Sky Islands of Southeastern Arizona.  Co-Investigator with Wallace Meyer and Wendy Moore.  $19,969.
 U.S. FOREST SERVICE (through Arizona State Forestry Service).  Citizen Awareness and Monitoring Programs
            for Invasive Insects (Cactoblastis cactorum, Solenopsis invicta).  $15,000 (with Christine Conte)
2010.  U.S. FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE.  ASDM Exhibits and Education Programs on Federally Listed Rare Plants of the Sonoran Desert Region.  $26,184 (with Christine Conte)
 WALLACE RESEARCH FOUNDATION.  Migratory Species and Sonorensis underwriting.  $40,000 (with Christine
           Digital Library.  $150,000.  (with Debra Colodner)
2009.  SCHLINGER FOUNDATION.  Research and Conservation Support for Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  $15,000.
 WALLACE RESEARCH FOUNDATION.  Migratory Species and Climate Change in the Sonoran Desert.  $45,000
            (with Christine Conte)
 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE.  Saguaros at Extremes. A Complicated Story at Tonto National Monument, 
            Arizona.  $15,000.
 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE.  Natural Resources Condition Assessment for Chiricahua National Monument,
            Coronado National Memorial and Fort Bowie National Historic Site.  $120,000. (with Mark Dimmitt).
2008.  SCHLINGER FOUNDATION.  Research and Conservation Support for Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  $15,000.
2007.  INSTITUTE FOR MUSEUM AND LIBRARY SERVICES (IMLS).  Phase III, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Digital Library.  $150,000.  (with Mark Dimmitt)
2007.  ARIZONA GAME AND FISH DEPARTMENT.  Support for ASDM public education programming.  $45,000.  (with Christine Conte)
            Heritage Fruit Trees from Europe, and Development of a “Kino Orchard” at Tumacácori National Historical Park. 
            $35,000.  (with Jesús Garcia)
2007.  SCHLINGER FOUNDATION.  Research and Conservation Support for Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  $20,000.
2006.  U.S. FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE.  Support for Research and Monitoring of E.S.A.-Listed Plant and Animal Species.  $48,000.
 U.S. FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE AND BUREAU OF RECLAMATION.  Captive Breeding of the Endangered
            Freshwater Clam Anodonta californiensis (the “California Floater”).  $58,750.  (with Craig Ivanyi)
2006.  SCHLINGER FOUNDATION.  Research and Conservation Support for Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  $10,000.
 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE.  Citizen scientist invasive species rapid detection & reporting initiative; continuing
            support.  $8,000
 SEA STUDIOS & NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION.  Citizen scientist invasive species rapid detection &
            reporting initiative; continuing support.  $35,000
 AMERICAN ZOO & AQUARIUM ASSOCIATION (AZA), Conservation Endowment Fund.  Invaders: A Citizen
            Scientist Invasive Species Initiative.  $18,220.
            Digital Library.  $150,000.  (with Mark Dimmitt)
 THE FEAR NOT FOUNDATION.  Support for film project, “In the Wake of Western Flyer.”  $50,000 (with 
             Lindsey Haskin)
 SEA STUDIOS & VULCAN PRODUCTIONS.  Citizen scientist invasive species rapid detection & reporting 
             initiative.  $53,000.
2004-2005.  THE DAVID AND LUCILLE PACKARD FOUNDATION.  A benchmark analysis of Gulf of California 
            esteros/estuaries: status, importance, and research and conservation needs.  $84,000.
2004-2007.  NATIONAL PARK SERVICE.  Recovery and re-establishment of Father Eusebio Kino’s fruit trees from Sonora, Mexico.  $40,000.  (with Robert Emanuel)
2004.  SONORAN INSTITUTE.  Support for The Gulf of California Conference 2004.  $5,000.
2004.  CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL.  Support for The Gulf of California Conference 2004.  $5,000.
2004.  WORLD WILDLIFE FUND.  Support for The Gulf of California Conference 2004.  $10,000.
THE DAVID AND LUCILLE PACKARD FOUNDATION.  Support for The Gulf of California Conference 2004.
2004.  THE NATURE CONSERVANCY.  Support for The Gulf of California Conference 2004.  $5,000.
 HOMELAND FOUNDATION (aka MARISLA FOUNDATION).  Support for The Gulf of California Conference
            2004.  $10,000.
2004.  SONORAN SEA AQUARIUM.  Support for The Gulf of California Conference 2004.  $10,000.
2003-2004.  NATIONAL PARK SERVICE.  Field Guide to Sonoran Desert Pollinators.  $10,000.
2003-2004.  WALLACE RESEARCH FOUNDATION.  A Natural History of the Sea of Cortez (conference and book) –
            Part 2.  $15,000.
2003-2004. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE.  Aquatic Invertebrate Survey, Santa Cruz River. $75,000.
 STONEWALL FOUNDATION.  $30,000.  Support for Amigos del Desierto Program, Arizona-Sonora Desert 
2003.  BAT CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL.  $6,000.  Bat education outreach in Southern Arizona.
2003.  CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL.  $6,000.  Publication of Sea of Cortez Faunal Checklist.
2002-2003.  ORIGINS SOCIETY.  $1,500. Underwriting for Sea of Cortez Conference.
2002-2003.  WALLACE RESEARCH FOUNDATION.  A Natural History of the Sea of Cortez (conference and book),
           Part 1.  $15,000.
2002-2003.  G.A. BINNEY FOUNDATION.  $5,000.  Support for Conference on the Sea of Cortez.
2002-2003.  GILES MEAD FOUNDATION.  $15,000.  Hummingbird Nectar Corridors and Educational Outreach in the
        Southern Arizona Border Region: An Extension of the Migratory Pollinators Program.
2002-2003.  NATIONAL PARK SERVICE.  $14,000.  Establishing pollinator gardens at Tumacacori National Historic 
         Site and San Lázaro (Sonora).
2002.  SONORAN JOINT VENTURES.  Borderland Pollinator Education.  $10,000
2001-2002 (18 mos.).  NATIONAL PARK SERVICE.  Botany internship for Organ Pipe National Monument.  Approx.
2001-2002 (18 mos.).  NATIONAL PARK SERVICE.  Mountain lion internship for Saguaro National Park.  $36,000.
1999-2001.  UNESCO (United Nations).  $15,000.  A Case Study on the Upper Gulf of California/Colorado River Delta and
        El Pinacate/Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserves of Northwest Mexico.
1995-2001.  NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION: A Revision of the Cirolanidae (Crustacea: Peracarida: Isopoda), with Monographs on Selected Genera and a Phylogenetic Analysis of the Family.  $633,000.  (PEET Program, Division of Environmental Biology)
1996-1997.  NATIONAL OCEANIC & ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION:  Photo-Identification of Bottlenose Dolphins.  $10,499 (Graduate Student Support).
1996-1997.  NATIONAL OCEANIC & ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION:  Sediment Toxicity Testing Using Juvenile
        Clams.  $2,119 (Graduate Student Support).
1995-1996.  CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL: Biodiversity Database for the Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California), 
            Phase II: $13,000.
1995-1996.  NATIONAL OCEANIC & ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION: Photo-Identification of Bottlenose Dolphins.  $18,759 (Graduate Student Support).
1995-1996.  NATIONAL OCEANIC & ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION: Role of Bacteria in PSP Toxin Production
            and Evaluation of Phycotoxin Assays.  $31,000.  [Co-P.I. with Gregory Doucette]  (Graduate Student Support)
1995-1996.  NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY: Evolution of Polynesian Island Marine Faunas.  $9,000.
1995-1996.  AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY: Evolution of Polynesian Island Marine Faunas.  $3,800.
1995-1996.  NATIONAL OCEANIC & ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION: Technical Support for Toxic Dinoflagellate Research for National Marine Fisheries Service Charleston Laboratory.  $62,320 (Graduate Student Support).
1995-1996.  NATIONAL OCEANIC & ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION:  Graduate Student Fellowships for
            University of Charleston students.  $49,027.
1995.  UNIVERSITY OF CHARLESTON, Research Committee.  Biogeography of Polynesian Marine Faunas.  $2,500.
1994-1997.  NATIONAL OCEANIC & ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION: Database Management & Assessment in
        Support of the Joint NOAA-NS&T/EPA-EMAP Coastal Research & Monitoring Program.  $299,090.
1993-1995.  CONABIO (Comisión Nacional Para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad), Mexico; Biodiversity 
         Database for the Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California).  Phase I: $26,200 (Co-PI).
1993-1994.  U.S. NAVY:  Biodiversity Analysis of Vernal Pool Arthropods on Miramar Naval Air Station, San Diego, 
          CA.  $77,567.
1992.  SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, WASH. D.C.: Short-term Visitors Grant.
1992-1994.  CalBioMarine Technologies/NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE: Taxonomy and Collection of Marine
        Invertebrates for Feasibility Studies on the Aquaculture of Marine Organisms for Pharmacological Studies.
1992-1994.  PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC/BECHTEL: Survey of Vernal Pool Invertebrate Communities of California's
            Central Valley. (with M. Simovich)
1990-1992.  NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION: Monographic Studies on Marine Isopod Crustaceans of the Tropical
            Eastern Pacific. V.
            Applications Inc.): Benthic Atlas of Santa Maria Basin, California (Crustacea, Isopoda).
1989-1991.  THE WEILER FOUNDATION: Biogeography of Polynesian Marine Faunas.
1989-1991.  NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY: Evolution of Polynesian Island Marine Faunas.
1988.  SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, WASH. D.C.: Short-term Visitors Grant.
1987-1989.  NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION: Monographic Studies on Marine Isopod Crustaceans of the Tropical
            Eastern Pacific. IV.
1986-1989.  NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION: Collection Facilities Support for Crustacea Collection, L.A. County
            Museum of Natural History.
1986-1987.  NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION: Monographic Studies on Marine Isopod Crustaceans of the Tropical
            Eastern Pacific. III.
1985-1986.  THE RALPH J. WEILER FOUNDATION: Effects of Siltation on Invertebrate Communities on a Caribbean
            Coral Reef (Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica).
            Heavy Metals in the Sand Crab Emerita analoga. [for grad student support]
            of Ultrastructural Mineralization in Crustacean Exoskeleton and the Co-deposition of Toxic Heavy Metals. [for grad
            student support]
1981.  THE CHARLES LINDBERGH FUND: Systematics of Costa Rican Isopod Crustaceans.
1981-1983.  NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION: Monographic Studies on Marine Isopod Crustaceans of the Tropical
            Eastern Pacific. II.
 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION: Comparative Studies on Tropical American Sargassum Communities [one
            of several projects for joint use of the R/V Alpha Helix in the western Caribbean].
            Thermal Stress and Predation in the Regulation of Marine Isopod Crustacean Distributions in the Eastern Pacific.
1978-1980.  NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION: Visiting Scientist Support, Costa Rica.  To assist the University of
            Costa Rica's new Marine Sciences Institute with programs start-up.
1978-1980.  NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION: Monographic Studies on Marine Isopod Crustaceans of the Tropical
            Eastern Pacific. I.
1977-1978.  CALIFORNIA STATE DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME: Survey of Coastal Sites of Designated
            Ecological Significance in Southern California.
1977-1978.  BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH SUPPORT GRANT, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH: Reproduction and Spermatophores of the Calanoid Copepod Acartia tonsa.
1976-1977.  N.O.A.A., SEA GRANT: Food Resource Dynamics and Utilization in a Channel Island Macrocystis Habitat.


2016:  National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), Science Achievement Award for professional paper (Ruggiero, et al. 2016, A higher level classification of all living organisms, PLoS ONE 10: e0119248)
2014:  Elected to Fellow, California Academy of Sciences.
2013:  Southwest Book of the Year Award for: A Natural History of the Santa Catalina Mountains, with an Introduction to the Sky Island Region (R. Brusca and W. Moore).
2012:  The Luminaria Award, from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.
2006 – 2011:  Book Awards (for development & production, ASDM Press books).
Dining with the Desert Museum.  Tabasco Regional Cookbook Award; Four-Dolor Design Award.
The Little Saguaro.  IPPY Medal for Multicultural Book.
Hip Hip Hooray, It’s Monsoon Day.  AAAS Science Children’s Book “Highest Rating”; One Book Arizona
        Award; Americas Award for Latin American & Caribbean Studies.
Katie, of the Sonoran Desert.  IPPY Medal for Multicultural Book; Moonbeam Gold Medal for Spanish Language Children’s Book.
Vanishing Circles. Portraits of Vanishing Wildlife of the Sonoran Desert Region.  IPPY Medal for Western
        Non-Fiction Book.
 Partners in Conservation Award, U.S. Department of Interior (from Secretary Ken Salazar), to Southern Arizona
            Buffelgrass Coordination Center, a not-for-profit (501c3) co-founded by R.C. Brusca, Sarah Smallhouse, Julio
            Betancourt, Jim Kiser, and Alix Rogstad.
 Estrella de Mar Award, “in recognition of extraordinary contributions to advancing knowledge, appreciation and
            protection of the Gulf of California.”  Centro Intercultural de Estudios de Desiertos y Océanos, Mexico/U.S.A.
 Land Stewardship Award, U.S. Department of the Interior, to Southern Arizona Buffelgrass Coordination Center,
            a not-for-profit (501c3) co-founded by R.C. Brusca, Sarah Smallhouse, Julio Betancourt, Jim Kiser and Alix Rogstad).
 Award from Pima County and Mr. Chuck Huckleberry (Pima County Supervisor), for service on the Science and
            Technical Advisory Team for the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan, Pima County, Arizona.
2004.  New England Book Show: Juried award for best new college textbook: Invertebrates, 2nd ed. (R.C. Brusca/G.J. Brusca, Sinauer Associates).
2003:  Play based on 1983 Brusca/Gilligan research on Cymothoa exigua.  “Tennessee Speaks in Tongues for You” by R.J.
            Tsarov. Premiered at annual Tennessee Williams Festival, 2003, New Orleans (; most recent performance at Rhinofest, Chicago (
2001:  Elected to Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
2000:  Elected to Fellow, Linnean Society of London.
1995:  Distinguished Achievement Award, School of Sciences and Mathematics, College of Charleston.
1994:  Hammer Award Nominee & Honorable Mention (as a member of the Fort Johnson 6-person Marine & Environmental
            Health Laboratory Planning Team), "Heroes of Reinvention/Al Gore Hammer Award" (Vice President Gore's
            "Reinventing Government Program")
1991-present:  Honorary lifetime member Asociacion de Investigadores del Mar de Cortes.
 New England Book Show: Juried award for best new college textbook: Invertebrates (R.C. Brusca/G.J. Brusca,
            Sinauer Associates).
1990:  Commendation for editorial contributions to Revista de Biología Tropical, the scientific journal of the University of
            Costa Rica.
1989:  Award of Recognition from The Binational Emergency Medical Care Committee [for contributions to the well being
            of the people of Mexico] 
1984-present:  Eponymies: Colanthura bruscai Poore, 1984 (Isopoda); Excorallana bruscai Delaney, 1984 (Isopoda); Cleantioides bruscai (Kensley, 1987) [as Miratidotea bruscai] (Isopoda); Progebiophilus bruscai Salazar and Leija, 1989 (Isopoda); Schizobopyrina bruscai Campos and Campos, 1990 (Isopoda); Apanthura bruscai Müller, 1992 (Isopoda); Exosphaeroma bruscai Espinosa-Pérez and Hendrickx, 2001 (Isopoda); Cirolana bruscai Bruce & Olesen, 2002 (Isopoda); Aega rickbruscai Bruce, 2004 (Isopoda); Bathynomus bruscai Lowry & Dempsey, 2006 (Isopoda);  Tachys bruscai Erwin & Zamorano, 2014 (a beach beetle from the Sea of Cortez)
1983:  Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, Faculty Recognition Award
1981:  Research Excellence Award, University of Southern California
1980:  Charter Member, The Crustacean Society.  President 1991-1993
1977 (to present):  Sigma Xi (member-at-large)
1965:  U. S. Department of Defense Civilian Service Medal


Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press.  Director, 2005-2010.  Oversight of all ASDM Press books: acquisition, 
          development, editing, design, printing and marketing.
Includes concept and development of bilingual children’s books on Sonoran Desert natural history, with accompanying curricular material, 2006-present.  My Nana’s Remedies (Roni Capin-Ashford); Hip Hip, It’s Monsoon Day (Roni 
  Capin-Ashford); The Little Saguaro (Shannon Young); Alice. A Story of Friendship (William Verbooten); Katie, 
  of the Sonoran Desert (Kate Jackson).
Includes concept and development of Dining with the Desert Museum (Tabasco 2006 Regional Cookbook Award); A
   Desert Illuminated. Cactus Flowers of the Sonoran Desert; Desert Gardens. A Photographic Tour of the 
     Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum; Vanishing Circles. Portraits of Disappearing Wildlife in the Sonoran Desert 
     Region; and, Mountain Wildflowers of Southern Arizona. A Field Guide to the Santa Catalina Mountains and 
     Other Nearby Ranges.
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Publications in Natural History.  Book series editor (co-published by ASDM Press and University of Arizona Press).  2001-present.
Tropical Zoology, National Research Institute of Italy.  Member of Advisory Board, 2002-present.
Ciencias del Mar, UAS.  Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico.  Member, Editorial Board,
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology.  Member, Board of Consulting Editors, 1996-2000.
Invertebrate Taxonomy.  CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia.  Regional Advisor, North America, 1991-present.
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research (formerly Investigaciones Marinas).  Editorial Board, 1989-present.
Kansas Biology Teacher.  Consultant to the Editor, Kansas Biology Teacher, Emporia State University, KA, 1992-2010.
San Diego Museum of Natural History.  Member, Editorial Board, 1987-1994. (Proceedings, Science Series, Transactions)
Allan Hancock Foundation.  Editor, 1978-1985; Member of Publications Committee, 1977-1990. (Monographs in Marine
        Biology, Occasional Papers, Technical Reports, Miscellaneous Publications).
Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History.  Member of Editorial Board, 1985-1987. (Contributions in Science,
        Science Series, Technical Series).
Gayana. The zoology journal of the Universidad de Concepcion, Chile.  Member, Editorial Board, 1983-1990.


New World: Throughout North, Central and South America (Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil,
Galapagos Is., Peru, Uruguay, Chile; extensive in Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Argentina); Argentine Patagonia (overland,
from Puerto Madryn to Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego); throughout Caribbean (extensive in Virgin Is., Bahamas, Roatan, San
Adres, Belize Barrier Reef). Submersible work (Johnson SeaLink) in Caribbean and Galapagos Islands.

Pacific: Bora Bora, Moorea, Tahiti, Rarotonga, Aitutaki, Tonga (Nuku'alofa, Vava'u), American and Western Samoa, Fiji,
Guam, Australia (extensive), New Zealand, Hawaii, Antarctica.

Old World: Throughout Western Mediterranean, Spain, Morocco, South Africa, Swaziland, Namibia, Madagascar, Taiwan, Thailand (central and northern).

To download PDFs of R. Brusca’s field notes, click here.

(* refereed work; authored/edited books in boldface)

*1971. Brusca, R. C.  A new species of Leptohyphes from Mexico (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae).  Pan-Pacific
        Entomologist 47(2): 146-148.

*1972. Brusca, R. C. and J. Haig.  Range extensions of porcelain and hermit crabs in the Gulf of California.  Bull. So.
        Calif. Acad. Sci. 71(1): 56.

3.   1973. Brusca, R. C.  The fiddler crabs of the Gulf of California, Part I: Ecology.  The Stomatopod 3(1): 16-17.

4.   1973. Brusca, R. C.  The fiddler crabs of the Gulf of California, Part II: Taxonomy.  The Stomatopod 3(2): 38-40.

5.	*1973. Allen, R. K. and R. C. Brusca.  New species of Leptohyphinae from Mexico and Central America (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae).  Canad. Entomol. 105: 83-95.

6.    1973. Brusca, R. C.  A Handbook to the Common Intertidal Invertebrates of the Gulf of California.  427 pp., 295 figs.
        Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson. 

*1973. Brusca, R. C. and R. K. Allen.  A new species of Choroterpes from Mexico (Insecta: Ephemeroptera).  J. Kansas
        Entomol. Soc. 46: 137-139.

*1973. Allen, R. K. and R. C. Brusca.  The known geographic distribution of the Mexican mayfly genera in North 
          America (Insecta, Ephemeroptera).  Proc. First Internat. Conf. Ephemeroptera.  E.J.  Brill, Leiden, Holland.  Pp. 49-63.

9.	1974. Brusca, R. C.  La Paz, the City of Peace. Part I. The Region of La Paz and its History.  The Stomatopod 4(l): 16-18.

  1975. Brusca, R. C.  Report of the Alpha Helix Baja California Expedition, Zoological classification.  In, Alpha Helix
        Research Program, 1972-1974.  Scripps Inst. Oceanogr., Univ. Calif. San Diego: 72-73.

 1975. Hager, L. P., R. H. White, P. F. Hollenberg, R. C. Brusca, D. L. Doubeck and R. Guerrero.  A survey of organic
        halogens in marine organisms.  Report of the Alpha Helix Baja California Expedition.  In, Alpha Helix Research
        Program, 1972-1974.  Scripps Inst. Oceanogr., Univ. Calif. San Diego: 73-75.

12.  *1975.  Krejcarek, G. E., R. H. White, L. P. Hager, W. O. McClure, R. D. Johnson, K. L. Rinehart, J. A. McMillan, I. C. Paul, P. D. Shaw and R. C. Brusca.  A rearranged dibromotryosine metabolite from the sponge Verongia aurea.  Tetrahedron Letters 8: 507-510.

*1976. Rinehart, K. L., W. O. McClure, L. P. Hager and  R. C. Brusca.  A survey of organic halogens in marine organisms.
        Proc. Food & Drugs from the Sea Conference, 1974.  J. Mar. Tech. Soc., pp. 421-428.

14.	*1976. Brusca, R. C.  Evolución geologica del norte del Golfo de California y comentarios sobre su fauna.  In, Sonora: Antropologia del Desierto, Session de Ecologia del Desierto de Sonora.  Inst. Nac. Anthro. Hist., pp. 85-93.

*1977. Snyder-Conn, E. and R. C. Brusca.  Shrimp population dynamics and fishery impact in the northern Gulf of
        California.   Ciencias Marinas 1(3): 54-67.

*1977. Brusca, R. C. and D. A. Thomson.  The Pulmo Reef of Baja California - true coral reef formation in the Gulf of
        California.  Ciencias Marinas 1(3): 37-53.  

1977. Brusca, R. C. and J. Coyer.  Food resource dynamics and utilization in a Channel Island Macrocystis habitat.  In, 
        The Planning and Management of California's Coastal Resources.  Univ. So. Calif. Sea Grant Ann. Rpts., pp. 20-21.

*1977. Brusca, R. C. and B. R. Wallerstein.  The marine isopod crustaceans of the Gulf of California. I. Family Idoteidae.
        Amer. Mus. Novitates, No. 2634: 1-17. 

*1977. Brusca, R.C.  Range extensions and new host records of cymothoid isopods (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) in the east
        Pacific.  Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 76(2): 128-131.

20.	*1978. Allen, R. K. and R. C. Brusca.  Generic revisions of mayfly nymphs. II. Thraulodes in North and Central America (Leptophlebiidae).  Canad. Entomol. 110: 413-433. 

1978. Coyer, J. and R. C. Brusca.  Food resource dynamics and utilization in a Channel Island Macrocystis habitat [update].
        Pp. 18-20 in, The Planning and Management of California's Coastal Resources.  Univ. So. Calif. Sea Grant Ann. Rpt.

*1978. Brusca, R. C.  Studies on the cymothoid fish symbionts of the eastern pacific (Isopoda: Cymothoidae).
        I. Biology of Nerocila californica.  Crustaceana 34(2): 141-154.

*1978. Brusca, R. C. and M. Ninos.  The status of Cirolana californiensis Schultz and Cirolana deminuta Menzies and
        George, with a key to the California species of Cirolana (Isopoda: Cirolanidae).  Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 91(2): 379-385.

24.  1978. Brusca, G. J. and R. C. Brusca.  A Naturalist's Seashore Guide. Common Marine Life of the Northern California
        Coast and Adjacent Shores.  205 pp.  Mad River Press, CA.

*1978. Brusca, R. C.  Studies on the cymothoid fish symbionts of the Eastern Pacific (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae).
        II. Biology and systematics of Lironeca vulgaris.  Occ. Paps. Allan Hancock Fdn. (n. ser.) 2: 1-19.

*1979. Brusca, R. C. and B. R. Wallerstein.  Zoogeographic patterns of idoteid isopods in the northeast Pacific, with a
        review of shallow-water zoogeography for the region.  Bull. Biol. Soc. Wash. 3: 67-105.

*1979. Brusca, R. C. & B. R. Wallerstein.  The marine isopod crustaceans of the Gulf of California. II. Idoteidae. New
        genus, new species, new records, and comments on the morphology, taxonomy and evolution within the family. 
        Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 92(2): 253-271.

1979. Brusca, R. C.  Heisler Park Ecological Reserve, Orange County, CA.  California Marine Waters, Areas of 
         Special Biological Significance, Calif. State Reconn. Surv. Rpt. 79-2: 1-29.

1979. Brusca, R. C.  Irvine Coast Marine Life Refuge, Orange County, CA. California Marine Waters, Areas of 
          Special Biological Significance, Calif. State Reconn. Surv. Rpt. 79-3: 1-30.

1979. Brusca, R. C.  Newport Beach Marine Life Refuge, Orange County, CA. California Marine Waters, Areas of 
        Special Biological Significance, Calif. State Reconn. Surv. Rpt. 79-4: 1-25.

1980. Brusca, R.C.  The Allan Hancock Foundation of the University of Southern California.  Assoc. Systematics
        Collections Newsletter 8(1): 1-7. 

1980. Brusca, R.C.  Common Intertidal Invertebrates of the Gulf of California. 2nd Edition.  513 pp, 340 figs,
        243 B&W photos, color photos.  Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ.

1980. Brusca, R. C. & D. M. Perry.  The function of the shell spine in the predaceous intertidal snail Acanthina spirata. 
        Amer. Zool. 20(4): 919.  [abstract]

*1980. Thun, M. & R. C. Brusca.  On the status of the eastern Pacific cymothoid fish parasite Braga occidentalis Boone,
        and its synonymy with B. patagonica Schioedte and Meinert (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae). Bull. So. Calif. Acad.
        Sci. 79(3): 130-132. 

*1981. Rinehart, K. L. and 24 other authors.  Marine natural products as sources of antiviral, antimicrobial, and
        antineoplastic agents.  Pure & Appl. Chem. 53: 795-817.

*1981. Brusca, R. C.  A monograph on the Isopoda Cymothoidae (Crustacea) of the Eastern Pacific.  Zool. J. Linn. 
          Soc. (London) 73(2): 117-199.

*1982. Wallerstein, B. R. and R. C. Brusca.  Fish predation: A preliminary study of its role in the zoogeography and
        evolution of shallow-water idoteid isopods (Crustacea: Isopoda: Idoteidae).  J. Biogeography 9: 135-150.

38.	*1982. Bruce, N. L., R. C. Brusca, and P. M. Delaney.  The status of the isopod families Corallanidae Hansen, 1890 and Excorallanidae Stebbing, 1904 (Flabellifera).  J. Crustacean Biol. 2(3): 464-468.

*1983. Brusca, R. C.  A monograph on the isopod family Aegidae in the tropical Eastern Pacific. I. The genus Aega.
        Allan Hancock Fdn., Monogr. Mar. Biol., No. 12: 1-39.

*1983. Brusca, R. C.  Two new idoteid isopods from Baja California and the Gulf of California (Mexico) and an analysis
        of the evolutionary history of the genus Colidotea (Crustacea: Isopoda: Idoteidae).  Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist.
        20(4): 69-79.

41.	*1983. Brusca, R. C. and M. R. Gilligan.  Tongue replacement in a marine fish (Lutjanus guttatus) by a parasitic isopod (Crustacea: Isopoda).  Copeia 3: 813-816.

*1984. Brusca, R. C.  Phylogeny, evolution and biogeography of the marine isopod subfamily Idoteinae (Crustacea:
        Isopoda: Idoteidae).  Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 20(7): 99-134. 

1985. Brusca R. C.  Corals and Coral Reefs of the Galapagos Islands, by P. W. Glynn and G. M. Wellington (with an
        Annotated List of the Scleractinian Corals of the Galapagos, by J.W. Wells). [book review]  Environ. Conserv. 
        (Geneva), 12(2): 191-192.

*1985. Stepien, C. A. and R. C. Brusca.  Nocturnal attacks on nearshore fishes in southern California by crustacean
        zooplankton.  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 25: 91-105.

1985. Brusca, R.C.  The Biology of Terrestrial Isopods, by S.L. Sutton & D.M. Holdich (eds.). [book review]
        Science, 230(4726): 659.

*1985. Delaney, P. M. and R. C. Brusca.  Two new species of Tridentella Richardson, 1905 (Isopoda: Flabellifera:
        Tridentellidae) from California, with a rediagnosis and comments on the family and a key to the genera of 
        Tridentellidae and Corallanidae.  J. Crustacean Biol. 5(4): 728-742.

*1985. Brusca, R. C. and E. W. Iverson.  A guide to the marine isopod Crustacea of Pacific Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop. 
         33 (Suppl. 1): 1-77.

1985. Brusca, R. C. and R. Wetzer.  Marshes of the Ocean Shore, by J.V. Siry. [book review] Environmental Professional
        7(2): 191-192.

*1986. McClure, W. O., D. E. Baxter, R. C. Brusca, R. D. Crosland, T. H. Hsiao, M. L. Koenig, J. V. Martin and J. E. Yoshino.
        Studies of two novel presynaptic toxins, pp. 1203-1214 in, I. Hanin (ed.), Dynamics of Cholinergic Function.  Plenum
         Press, N.Y.

*1987. Brusca, R. C.  Biogeographic relationships of Galapagos marine isopod crustaceans.  Bull. Mar. Sci. 41(2):

*1987. Wetzer, R., P. M. Delaney and R. C. Brusca.  Politolana wickstenae new species, a new cirolanid isopod from the
        Gulf of Mexico, and a review of the "Conilera genus-group" of Bruce (1968).  Contrb. Sci., L.A. Co. Natural History
        Museum, No. 392: 1-10.

*1987. Brusca, R. C. and J. R. Weinberg.  A new isopod crustacean from Pacific Panama, Excirolana chamensis new
        species (Isopoda: Flabellifera: Cirolanidae).  Contrb. Sci., L.A. Co. Natural History Museum, No. 392: 11-17.

*1988. Guzman, H. M., V. L. Obando, R. C. Brusca and P. M. Delaney.  Aspects of population biology of the marine isopod Excorallana tricornis occidentalis Richardson, 1905 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Corallanidae) at Cano Island, Pacific Costa
            Rica.  Bull. Mar. Sci. 43(1): 77-87.

1989. Brusca, R. C.  Foreword, in, A. Kerstitch, Sea of Cortez Marine Invertebrates. A Guide for the Pacific Coast,
        Mexico to Ecuador.  Sea Challengers Press, Monterey, CA.  pp. i-iii.

*1989. Perry, D. M. and R. C. Brusca.  Effects of the root-boring isopod Sphaeroma peruvianum on red mangrove forests.
         Marine Ecology Progress Series 57: 287-292.

1989. Brusca, R. C.  Science and natural history museums. I. What is science?  Upstairs. A Newsletter of the San Diego
        Natural History Museum Science Division 2(4): 3-5.

1989. Brusca, R. C.  Provisional keys to the genera Cirolana, Gnathia, and Limnoria known from California waters.
        SCAMIT [Southern California Association of Marine Invertebrate Taxonomists] Newsletter 8(4): 17-21.

1990. Brusca, R. C.  Science and natural history museums. II. Science in the museum.  Upstairs. A Newsletter of the San
        Diego Natural History Museum Science Division 3(1/2): 3-5.

59.	1990. Brusca, R. C. and G. .J. Brusca.  Invertebrates. 922 pp., 603 figs.  Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA 01375.

1990. Brusca, R. C.  Proceedings of the Second Symposium on the Biology of Terrestrial Isopods, Monitore Zoologico
        Italiano, n.s., Monogr. 4: 1-512.  [book review]  J. Crustacean Biology 10(3): 568-570.

61.  1990. Brusca, R. C.  Comment on the proposed designation of Lysianax cubensis Stebbing, 1897 as the type species of Shoemakerella Pirlot, 1936 (Crustacea, Amphipoda).  Bull. Zool. Nomen. 47(3): 213.

1990.  Brusca, R. C. and R. Wetzer.  Tropical deforestation and coral reefs.  Field Notes, San Diego Natural History
        Museum 3(4): 6-7.

1991. Brusca, R. C.  Guide to the Marine Isopod Crustaceans of the Caribbean, by B. Kensley and M. Schotte.
        [book review]  Quarterly Rev. Biol. 66: 98-99.

*1991. Wetzer, R., H. G. Kuck, and P. Baez, R. C. Brusca, and L. M. Jurkevics.  Catalog of the Isopod Crustacea type
        collection of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.  Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles Co., Tech. Rpt. No. 3:

*1991. Brusca, R. C. and H.-G. Müller.  Skuphonura kensleyi n.sp. (Crustacea: Isopoda), a new anthuridean species from
        the Caribbean coast of Colombia.  Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 104(3): 593-602.

*1991. Chavez, F. P. and R. C. Brusca.  The Galapagos Islands and their relation to oceanographic processes in the tropical
        Pacific, Pp. 9-33 [Chapter 1] in, M. James (ed.), Galapagos Marine Invertebrates.  Plenum Publ. Corp., Vol. 8 of
        "Topics in Geobiology." 

67.	*1991.  Brusca, R. C. and G. D. F. Wilson.  A phylogenetic analysis of the Isopoda (Crustacea) with some classificatory recommendations.  Mem. Queensland Mus. 31: 143-204.

*1992. Brusca, R. C. and M. E. Hendrickx (eds.).  Benthic Macro-Crustaceans of the Eastern Tropical Pacific
        [Proceedings of the First Colloquium on Benthic Macro-Crustaceans of the Eastern Tropical Pacific, Mazatlán, March
        1990].  San Diego Natural History Museum and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.  134 pp.  [Proceedings
        9-27, San Diego Society of Natural History]

69.  1992.  Brusca, R. C.  Dedication to John S. Garth, pp. iii-iv in, R. C. Brusca and M. E. Hendrickx (eds.), Benthic Macro-Crustaceans of the Eastern Tropical Pacific [Proceedings of the First Colloquium on Benthic Macro-Crustaceans of the Eastern Tropical Pacific, Mazatlán, March 1990].  San Diego Natural History Museum and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.  134 pp.  [Proceedings 9-27, San Diego Society of Natural History]

*1992.  Müller, H.-G. and R. C. Brusca.  Validation and redescription of Iais singaporensis Menzies & Barnard, 1951
        (Isopoda: Asellota: Janiridae), a commensal with Sphaeroma triste Heller, 1865 from a Malayasian coral reef.
        Zoologischer Anzeiger 229(1/2): 73-82.

71.	*1992.  Brusca, R. C. and S. France.  The genus Rocinela (Crustacea: Isopoda: Aegidae) in the tropical eastern Pacific.  Zoological J. Linnean Soc. (London) 106: 231-275.

1992.  Simovich, M. A., J. L. King and R. C. Brusca.  The branchiopod community. Vol. 2 in Simovich, M.A. et al.,
        Invertebrate Survey, 1991-1993: PGT-PG&E California Pipeline Expansion Project.  Report to Bechtel Corporation and
        Pacific Gas and Electric, San Francisco, CA

1993.  Simovich, M. A., R. C. Brusca and J. L. King.  Crustacean and insect communities. Vol. 3 in Simovich, M.A. et al.,
        Invertebrate Survey, 1991-1993: PGT-PG&E California Pipeline Expansion Project.  Report to Bechtel Corporation and
        Pacific Gas and Electric, San Francisco, CA

*1993.  Brusca, R. C.  The Arizona/Sea of Cortez years of J. Laurens Barnard.  J. Natural History 27(4): 727-730.

75.  1993.  Cadien, D. and R.C. Brusca.  Anthuridean isopods (Crustacea) of California and the temperate northeast Pacific.
         SCAMIT [Southern California Association of Marine Invertebrate Taxonomists] Newsletter 12(6): 1-26.

1993.  King, J. L., R. C. Brusca and M. A. Simovich.  Crustacean communities of northern California vernal pools.
        American Zoologist 33(5): 79(A). [abstract]

*1995.  Brusca, R. C., R. Wetzer and S. France.  Cirolanidae (Crustacea; Isopoda; Flabellifera) of the tropical eastern
        Pacific.  Proceedings San Diego Natural History Society, No. 30, 96 pp.

*1996.  King, J. L., M. A. Simovich and R. C. Brusca.  Endemism, species richness, and ecology of crustacean 
          assemblages in northern California vernal pools.  Hydrobiologia 328: 85-116.

1996.  Brusca, R. C. and G. J. Brusca.  Invertebrati (Italian edition).  Zanichelli, Bologna, Italy.  1,008 pp.  [Italian translation
        of B/B Invertebrates, Sinauer, 1990.]

*1997.  Wetzer, R., R. C. Brusca and G. D. F. Wilson.  The Order Isopoda. Introduction to the Marine Isopoda.  Pp. 1-8 in
        J.A. Blake and P. H. Scott (eds.), Taxonomic Atlas of the Benthic Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and Western Santa
        Barbara Channel. Vol. 11. The Crustacea, Part 2: Isopoda, Cumacea and Tanaidacea.  Santa Barbara Museum of 
        Natural History, Santa Barbara, CA.

*1997.  Wetzer, R. and R. C. Brusca.  The Order Isopoda. Descriptions of the Species of the Suborders Anthuridea,
        Epicaridea, Flabellifera, Gnathiidea and Valvifera.  Pp. 9-58 in J.A. Blake and P. H. Scott (eds.), Taxonomic Atlas of 
        the Benthic Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and Western Santa Barbara Channel. Vol. 11. The Crustacea, Part 2: 
        Isopoda, Cumacea and Tanaidacea.  Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, CA.

*1997.  Brusca, G.. J., R. C. Brusca and S. F. Gilbert.  Characteristics of Metazoan Development.  Chapter 1 (pp. 3-19) in
        S.F. Gilbert & A.M. Raunio (eds.) Embryology: Constructing the Organism.  Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.

83.   1997.  Brusca, R. C.  Isopoda. Version 06 August 1997., in The Tree of Life
        Web Project,

1998.  Brusca, R. C.  Microscopic Anatomy of Invertebrates, Vols. 13 and 15, by R. Harrison (ed.). [book review]
        Bulletin of Marine Science 62(1): 297-298.

*2000.  Brusca, R. C.  Unraveling the History of Arthropod Biodiversification.  In, Our Unknown Planet: Recent
        Discoveries and the Future. Proceedings of the 45th Ann. Systematics Symposium, Missouri Botanical Garden.  Ann.
        Missouri Botanical Garden 87:13-25.  [Abridged version also published in Kansas Biology Teacher 9(2): 54-57]

86.	*2001.  Kensley, B. and R. C. Brusca (eds).  Isopod Systematics and Evolution.  Crustacean Issues 13, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam.  365pp.

 *2001.  Riseman, S., A.M. Pires and R.C. Brusca.  A new species of Politolana (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae) from
        the south Brazilian shelf. Pp. 51-61 in, B. Kensley & R.C. Brusca (eds), Isopod Systematics and Evolution.  Crustacean
        Issues 13, Balkema, Rotterdam.

 2001. Brusca, R. C., V. Coelho and S. Taiti. 2001. A Guide to the Coastal Isopods of California.  http://www.tolweb.

 2001.  Brusca, R. C., J. Campoy Fabela, C. Castillo Sánchez, R. Cudney-Bueno, L. T. Findley, J. Garcia-Hernández,
        Glenn, I. Granillo, M. E. Hendrickx, J. Murrieta, C. Nagel, M. Román, P. Turk-Boyer.  A Case Study of Two Mexican
        Biosphere Reserves. The Upper Gulf of California/Colorado River Delta and Pinacate/Gran Desierto de Altar 
        Biosphere Reserves.  2000 UNESCO Conference on Biodiversity and Society, Columbia University Earthscape,

 2001.  Brusca, R. C.  Origin of the Hexapoda. Annales de la Société entomologique de France, 37(1/2): 1-304.  
        T. Deuve, Editor.  [Book Review].  Journal of Crustacean Biology 21(4): 1084-1086. 

*2002.  Riseman, S. and R. C. Brusca.  A monograph on the isopod genus Politolana (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae).  Zoological Journal, Linnean Society of London 134: 57-140.

92.   2002.  Brusca, R. C.  A Sapphire Sea in the Sonoran Desert.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum News, 3(3): 2-4.

*2002.  Hendrickx, M. E., R. C. Brusca and G. Ramirez Resendiz.  Biodiversity of Macrocrustaceans in the Gulf of
        California, Mexico.  Pp. 349-367, in M.E. Hendrickx (ed.), Contributions to the Study of East Pacific Crustaceans [Contribuciones al Estudio de los Crustaceos del Pacifico Este], Volume 1.  Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, UNAM, Mexico.

2002  Brusca, R. C.  On the Vermilion Sea.  Pp. 2-9 in S. Phillips (ed.), The Sea of Cortez,  Sonorensis, Winter 2002.
        Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ.

2002  Brusca, R. C.  Biodiversity in the Northern Gulf of California. (Biodiversidad en el Golfo de California Norte).
        CEDO News 10(1): 1-45.

2002.  Brusca, R. C. and G. P. Nabhan.  Migratory Pollinators and Their Nectar Corridors in the Southwestern U.S. and Northwestern Mexico.  Final Report to the Turner Foundation (Atlanta, GA) and Turner Endangered Species fund
        (Bozeman, MT).  126 pp.

97.	2002.  Dimmitt, M. and R. C. Brusca.  Endangered species and the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  Endangered Species Bulletin 27(2): 8-11.

98.	*2002.  Hendrickx M. E. and R. C. Brusca.  Biodiversidad de los invertebrados marinos de Sinaloa.  Pp. 141-163 in, J. L. Cifuentes Lemus and J. Gaxiola López (eds.), Atlas de Sinaloa.  Colegio de Ciencias de Sinaloa, Mexico (442 pp).

99.  2002.  Brusca, R. C.  Desert Ecology: An Introduction to Life in the Arid Southwest, John Sowell. Univ. Utah Press.
        [Book Review]  Natural Resources Journal, Univ. New Mexico School of Law, Albuquerque, pp. 685-687.

100. *2003.  Brusca, R. C. and G. J. Brusca.  Invertebrates. 2nd edition.  Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.  936 pp.

 *2003.  Moore, W. and R. C. Brusca.  A monograph on the isopod genus Colopisthus (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae)
        with the description of a new genus.  Journal of Natural History (London) 37: 1329-1399.

 2003.  Brusca, R. C. and R. J. Edison. Introduction.  Pp. 1-3 in S. Phillips (ed.), The Santa Cruz River.  Sonorensis,
        Winter 2003.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ.

 2004.  Brusca, R. C., E. Kimrey and W. Moore.  Seashore Guide to the Northern Gulf of California.  Arizona-Sonora
        Desert Museum Press, Tucson, AZ.  203 pp.  [Available at]

 2004.  Brusca, R. C.  The Gulf of California – an Overview.  Pp. 1-8, in R.C. Brusca, E. Kimrey and W. Moore.
        Seashore Guide to the Northern Gulf of California.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ.

 2004.  Brusca, R.C.  A History of Discovery in the Northern Gulf of California.  Pp. 9-24, in R.C. Brusca, E. Kimrey
        and W. Moore.  Seashore Guide to the Northern Gulf of California.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ.   [Updated version available in “Papers” section of this website]

 2004.  Brusca, R.C.  A Brief History of Sonora.  Pp. 25-34, in R.C. Brusca, E. Kimrey and W. Moore.  Seashore Guide
        to the Northern Gulf of California.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ.  [Updated version available in “Papers” section of this website]

 2004.  Brusca, R.C., E. Kimrey and W. Moore.  Invertebrates [of the Northern Gulf of California].  Pp. 35-107, in R.C.
        Brusca, E. Kimrey and W. Moore.  Seashore Guide to the Northern Gulf of California.  Arizona-Sonora Desert 
        Museum, Tucson, AZ.

108.  2004.  Brusca, R.C.  Fishes [of the Northern Gulf of California].  Pp. 109-115, in R.C. Brusca, E. Kimrey and W. Moore.  Seashore Guide to the Northern Gulf of California.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ.

 2004.  Brusca, R.C., E. Mellink and E. Kimrey.  Coastal Birds [of the Northern Gulf of California].  Pp. 117-126, in 
         R.C. Brusca, E. Kimrey and W. Moore.  Seashore Guide to the Northern Gulf of California.  Arizona-Sonora Desert 
         Museum, Tucson, AZ.

 2004.  Brusca, R.C., L.T. Findley and E. Kimrey.  Marine Reptiles [of the Northern Gulf of California].  Pp. 127-128, 
        in R.C. Brusca, E. Kimrey and W. Moore.  Seashore Guide to the Northern Gulf of California.  Arizona-Sonora Desert
        Museum, Tucson, AZ.

 2004.  Brusca, R.C., L.T. Findley and E. Kimrey.  Marine Mammals [of the Northern Gulf of California].  Pp. 129-132,
        in R.C. Brusca, E. Kimrey and W. Moore.  Seashore Guide to the Northern Gulf of California.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ.

 2004.  Woo, H., E. Glenn, R.C. Brusca and R. McCourt.  Algae [of the Northern Gulf of California].  Pp. 133-145, in
        R.C. Brusca, R.C., E. Kimrey and W. Moore.  Seashore Guide to the Northern Gulf of California.  Arizona-Sonora
        Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ.

 2004.  Nabhan, G.P. and R.C. Brusca.  Sustainable Seafood and the Fate of the Oceans. A Primer for Arizonans.
        Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.

114.  2004.  Brusca, R.C. and M. Hendrickx.  Invertebrate Biodiversity in the Gulf of California.  Proceedings of the Gulf of California Conference 2004.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ.  [published summary]

 2004.  Felger, R.C., W.J. Nicols, A. Aguirre, H. Aridijis, L. Bourillón, R.C. Brusca, J. Campoy, A. Cantu, J.-L. Cartron,
        G.D. Danemann, H. D’Antoni, P.K. Dayton, S.A. Diehn, L. Gerber, J.L. León de la Luz, C. Mártinez del Rio,
        R.A. Medellín, E.P. Castro and E. Sala.  Escalera Ecológica Initiative: A staircase of reserves through the Gulf of
        California Corridor.  Proceedings of the Gulf of California Conference 2004, pp. 71-72.  Arizona-Sonora Desert 
        Museum, Tucson, AZ.  [published summary]

 *2004.  Nabhan, G. P., R. C. Brusca and L. Holter (eds.).  Conserving Migratory Pollinators and Nectar Corridors in
        Western North America.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Studies in Natural History.  University of Arizona Press
         and Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ.  190 pp.

117.  2004.  Brusca, R. C.  Foreword, pp. 6-7 in, N. Chambers, Y. Gray and S. Buchmann, Pollinators of the Sonoran Desert, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, 166 pp. [bilingual]

 *2004.  Brusca, R. C. and G. C. Bryner.  A Case Study Of Two Mexican Biosphere Reserves: The Upper Gulf of
        California/Colorado River Delta and Pinacate/Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserves.  Pp. 21-52 in N. E. Harrison
        and G. C. Bryner (eds.), Science and Politics in the International Environment.  Rowman and Littlefield, New York.

 2004.  Dimmitt, M. A, R. C. Brusca and R. Edison.  Introduction.  Pp. 1-3 in S. Phillips (ed.), Climate Change.
        Sonorensis, Winter 2004.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ.

 2004.  Nagler, P., E. Glenn and R. C. Brusca.  Photographic Atlas of Esteros and Other Coastal Wetlands of
        Conservation Interest in the Northern Gulf of California.  147 pp.  Published by the Arizona-Sonora Desert 
        Museum as a working atlas for wetlands researchers in the Gulf of California.

*2005.  Brusca, R. C. and G. J. Brusca.  Invertebrados (Spanish edition).  McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España,
        S.A.U., Madrid.  1005 pp.  []

122.  2005.  Brusca, R. C. and C. Conte.  Invaders of the Sonoran Desert.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum News 6(3): 2-4.

 *2005.  McLaughlin, P. A., D. K. Camp, M. V. Angel, E. L. Bousfield, P. Brunel, R. C. Brusca, D. Cadien, A. C. Cohen,
        Conlan, L. G. Eldredge, D. L. Felder, J. W. Goy, T. Haney, B. Hann, R. W. Heard, E. A. Hendrycks, H. H. Hobbs III,
        R. Holsinger, B. Kensley, D. R. Laubitz, S. E. LeCroy, R. Lemaitre, R. F. Maddocks, J. W. Martin, P. Mikkelsen, E.
        Nelson, W. A. Newman, R. M. Overstreet, W. J. Poly, W. W. Price, J. W. Reid, A. Robertson, D. C. Rogers, A. Ross, M. Schotte, F. R. Schram, C.-T. Shih, L. Watling, G. D. F. Wilson and D. D. Turgeon.  Common and scientific names of
        aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada: Crustaceans.  American Fisheries Society, Special Publication
        31.  Bethesda, MD.  533 pp.

 *2005.  Brusca, R. C., L. T. Findley, P. A. Hastings, M. E. Hendrickx, J. Torre Cosio and A. M. van der Heiden.
        Macrofaunal Biodiversity in the Gulf of California.  Pp. 179-203 in J.-L. E. Cartron, G. Ceballos, and R. Felger (eds.), Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Conservation in Northern Mexico.  Oxford University Press, NY. 

 *2005.  Whitmore, R. C., R. C. Brusca, J. L. León de la Luz, P. González-Zamorano, R. Mendoza-Salgado, E. S.
        Amador, Silva, G. Holguin, F. Galván-Magaña, P. A. Hastings, J.-L. E. Cartron, R. S. Felger, J. A. Seminoff, and C. C.
        McIvor.  The ecological importance of mangroves in Baja California Sur: Conservation implications for an endangered ecosystem.  Pp. 298-333 in J.-L. E. Cartron, G. Ceballos, and R. S. Felger (eds.), Biodiversity, Ecosystems and
        Conservation in Northern Mexico.  Oxford University Press, NY. 

126.  2005.  Hendrickx, M. E., R. C. Brusca, and L. T. Findley (eds.).  A Distributional Checklist of the Macrofauna of the
        Gulf of California, Mexico. Part I. Invertebrates.  [Listado y Distribución de la Macrofauna del Golfo de California, México, Parte I. Invertebrados].  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum and Conservation International.  429 pp.
        [available from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press and from the authors].

127.  2005.   Brusca, R. C.  Where the Desert Meets the Sea. Pp. 20-24 in C. Conte (ed.), Conservation Without Borders.  Sonorensis, Winter 2005.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ.

 *2006.  Glenn, E. P., P. L. Nagler, R. C. Brusca and O. Hinojosa-Huerta.  Coastal wetlands of the northern Gulf of
        California: inventory and conservation status.  Aquatic Conservation: Marine & Freshwater Ecosystems 16: 5-28.

 2006.  Brusca, R. C., R. Cudney-Bueno, M. Moreno-Báez.  Gulf of California esteros and estuaries: analysis, state of
         knowledge and conservation priority recommendations.  Final Report to the David and Lucile Packard Foundation by
        the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  60 pp., plus two appendices (esteros/estuaries database and Northern Gulf of
        California Atlas).

 2006.  Brusca, R. C. and C. Conte.  Rivers in the Sand. Arizona-Sonora Riparian Habitats.  Arizona-Sonora Desert
        Museum News 7(2): 2-5.

131.  2006.  Brusca, R. C.  Introduction.  Pp. 1-3 in C. Conte (ed.), Conservation Without Borders.  Sonorensis, Winter 2006.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ.

 *2007.  Brusca, R. C.  Invertebrate Biodiversity in the Northern Gulf of California.  Pp. 418- 504, in, R. S. Felger and
        W. Broyles (eds.), Dry Borders. Great Natural Reserves of the Sonoran Desert. University Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 

133.  2007.  Brusca, R. C.  Peracarida.  Pp. 140-144 in, McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology.  McGraw-Hill, New York.

134.  2007.  Brusca, R. C.  Animal Phylogeny.  In, McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology.  McGraw-Hill, New York.

135.  *2007.  Lluch-Cota, S. E., E. A. Aragón-Noriega, F. Arreguín-Sánchez, D. Aurioles-Gamboa, J. J. Bautista-Romero, R. C. Brusca, R. Cervantes-Duarte, R. Cortés-Altamirano, P. Del-Monte-Luna, A. Esquivel-Herrera,-Cervantes, M. Kahru, M. Lavín, d. Lluch-Belda, D. B Lluch-Cota, J. López-Martinez, S. G. Marinone, M. O. Nevárez-Martinez, S. Ortega-Garcia, E. Palacios-Castro, A. Parés-Sierra, G. Ponce-Diaz, M. Ramírez-Rodriguez, C. A. Salinas-Zavala, R. A. Schwartzlose and A. P. Sierra-Beltrán.  The Gulf of California: Review of Ecosystem Status and Sustainability Challenges.  Progress in Oceanography 73: 1-26. 

136  *2007.  Brusca, R. C., V. Coelho and S. Taiti.  Isopods.  Pp. 503-542 in, J. Carlton (ed.). The Light and Smith Manual: The Intertidal Invertebrates of Central California and Oregon.  4th Ed., J. Carlton (ed.).  University of California Press, Berkeley.  

137.  2007.  Equihua Z., Clementina and R. C. Brusca.  El Discreto Encanto de las Cochinillas.  ¿Como Ves?, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 9(107): 30-33.

138.  *2007.  Hendrickx, M. E., R. C. Brusca, M. Cordero and G. Ramírez R.  Marine and brackish-water molluscan biodiversity in the Gulf of California, Mexico.  Scientia Marina 71(4): 637-647. 

139.  2007.  Brusca, R. C.  Father Eusebio Kino, the Baja California Peninsula, and the Sea of Cortez.  Pp. 6-13 in, C. Conte (ed.), The Legacy of Father Kino, Sonorensis, Winter 2007, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. 

140.  2007.  Brusca, R. C.  Harvesting the Sea of Cortez. From Kino’s Era to Modern Times. Pp. 42-47 in, C. Conte (ed.), The Legacy of Father Kino, Sonorensis, Winter 2007, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum). 

141.  *2007.  Brusca, R. C. and G. J. Brusca.  Invertebrados, Segunda Edicão (Portuguese edition).  Editora Guanabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

142.  *2007.  Hendrickx, M. E. and R. C. Brusca.  Distribución de invertebrados marinos endémicos en el Golfo de California, México.  XII Congresso Latino-Americano de Ciéncias do Mar (COLACMAR), Florianópolis, 15 a 19 de Abril de 2007.  Memorias AOCEANO – Associação Brasileira de Oceanografia, 4 pp.

143.  2008.  Brusca, R. C. and M. Hendrickx.  The Gulf of California Invertebrate Database:
 The Invertebrate Portion of the Macrofauna Golfo Database.  [updated weekly]

144.  *2009.  Brusca, R. C. and I. S. Wehrtmann.  Isopods.  Pp. 257-267 + species lists No. 20.1 and 20.2 (pages 206-211 on CD-ROM), in I. S. Wehrtmann and J. Cortés (eds.), Marine Biodiversity of Costa Rica, Central America.  Monographiae Biologicae, Vol. 86, Springer, Amsterdam. 

145.  2009.  Brusca, R. C.  Land of Black Volcanoes and White Sands. The Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve.  L. G. Marshall and C. Blake.  [book review]  Vermilion Flycatcher 54(4): 27.

146.  2009.  Brusca, R. C.  Seafood and the Sea of Cortez. An Ecological Bouillabaisse.  Pp. 20-29 in, C. Conte (ed.), Desert Bounty. Sonorensis, Winter 2009, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.

147.  *2010.  Brusca, R. C.  Introduction.  Pp. 1-5 in, R. C. Brusca (ed.), The Gulf of California: Biodiversity and Conservation.  ASDM Studies in Natural History.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press & University of Arizona Press. 

148.  *2010.  Brusca, R. C and M. E. Hendrickx.  Invertebrate Biodiversity and Conservation in the Gulf of California.  Pp. 72-95 in, R. C. Brusca (ed.), The Gulf of California: Biodiversity and Conservation.  ASDM Studies in Natural History.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press & University of Arizona Press.

149.  *2010.  Brusca, R. C. (ed.).  The Gulf of California: Biodiversity and Conservation.  ASDM Studies in Natural History.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press & University of Arizona Press.  336 pp.  [Available in paper or eBook]

150.  2010.  Brusca, R. C.  Introduction. Pp. 9-11 in, Brusca, R. C., M. A. Dimmitt and G. M. Montgomery (eds.).  Desert Gardens. A Photographic Tour of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  Cool Springs Press, Brentwood, TN.  177 pp.

151.  2010.  Brusca, R. C., M. A. Dimmitt and G. M. Montgomery (eds.).  Desert Gardens. A Photographic Tour of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  Cool Springs Press, Brentwood, TN.  177 pp.

152.  2010.  Brusca, R. C.  World Book Encyclopedia, on-line and print editions: “Vertebrates” and “Invertebrates.”

153.  2010.  Dimmitt, M. A. and R. C. Brusca.  Plants and insects: a 400 million year co-evolutionary dance.  Pp. 8-11 in, C. Conte (ed.), Our Sonoran Desert Insects.  Sonorensis, Winter 2010, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.

154.  2010.  Brusca, R. C.  Conservation Work at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  Pp. 136-137 in, L. M. Brewer, Vanishing Circles. Portraits of Disappearing Wildlife of the Sonoran Desert Region.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press, Tucson.

155.  2011.  Brusca, R. C.  Foreword.  Pp. i-iii in F. Rose, Mountain Wildflowers of Southern Arizona. A Field Guide to the Santa Catalina Mountains and Other Nearby Ranges.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press, Tucson.

156.  2011.  Dimmitt, M. A., R. C. Brusca, K. Krebbs, C. L. McIntyre, J. Viers, C. Filippone and A. Berry.  2011.  Natural Resource Condition Assessment: Chiricahua National Monument, Coronado National Memorial, and Fort Bowie National Historic Site.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum and Sonoran Institute, Tucson, Arizona.  425 pp.

157.  2011.  Funicelli Campbell, C., J. Shrum and R. C. Brusca.  Saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) demography at the northeastern extreme of the species’ range.  Final Report to National Park Service, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum/Tonto National Monument.  26 pp. plus numerous appendices.

158.  *2011.  Brigham, L. A., R. C. Brusca and J. Betancourt.  Cooperation across federal and local jurisdictions for invasive species management: Buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) in Southern Arizona.  Pp. 189-200 in, A. R. Leslie and R. G. Westerbrooks (eds.), Invasive Plant Management Issues and Challenges in the United States.  Oxford University Press and American Chemical Society (ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 1073), doi: 10.1021/bk-2011-1073.

159.  2012.  Moore, W. and R. C. Brusca.  A Brief Guide to the Santa Catalina Mountains Arizona: with a Road Log for the Mt. Lemmon Highway and an Introduction to the Madrean Sky Islands.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press. Tucson, Arizona. 88 pp. 

160.  2012.  Brusca, R. C.  The Sonoran Desert’s Spectacular Sea.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Newsletter 13(4): 5.

161.  2012.  Brusca, R. C.  A Retrospective [on the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum’s history of conservation work].  Sonorensis 32(1): 

162.  *2013.  Moore, W., W. M. Meyer, J. A. Eble, K. Franklin, J. F. Wiens and R. C. Brusca.  Introduction to the Arizona Sky Island Arthropod Project (ASAP): systematics, biogeography, ecology and population genetics of arthropods of the Madrean Sky Islands.  Pp. 144-168 in, G. J. Gottfried, P. F. Ffolliott, B. S. Gebow, L. G. Eskew and L. C. Collins (Comps.), Merging science and management in a rapidly changing world: biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago III; 2012 May 1-5, Tucson, AZ; Proceedings. RMRS-P-67.  Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.  DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2051.5842

163.  *2013.  Brusca, R. C. and W. Moore.  A Natural History of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona, with an Introduction to the Madrean Sky Islands.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press.  232 pp.  Winner, 2013 Southwest Books of the Year – Best Read.

164.  *2013.  Brusca, R. C., J. F. Wiens, W. M. Meyer, J. Eble, K. Franklin, J. T. Overpeck, W. Moore.  Dramatic Response to Climate Change in the Southwest: Robert Whittaker’s 1963 Arizona Mountain Plant Transect Revisited.  Ecology & Evolution 3(10): 3307-3319.  doi: 10.1002/ece3.720

165.  2013.  Brusca, R. C.  The Natural History of Crustacea. Vol. 1. Functional Morphology & Diversity.  Oxford University Press, Oxford.  [Book Review]  Journal of Crustacean Biology 33(5): 742-743.

166.  2014.  Brusca, R. C.  Foreword in G. C. Jensen, Crabs and Shrimps of the Pacific Coast. A Guide to Shallow-Water Decapods from Southeastern Alaska to the Mexican Border.  MolaMarine, Bremerton, WA.

167.  2014.  Brusca, R. C., W. M. Meyer, J. T. Overpeck, K. Franklin, J. F. Wiens, J. Eble, W. Moore.  Reply to C. David Bertelsen: Review of plant elevation changes in Arizona.  Phytoneuron 2014-111: 1-4.

168.  *2015.  Joca, L. K., V. L. Leray, K. S. Zigler and R. C. Brusca.  A new host and reproduction at a small size for the “snapper-choking isopod” Cymothoa excisa (Isopoda: Cymothoidae).  Journal of Crustacean Biology 35(2): 292-294.

169.  *2015.  Ruggiero, M. A., D. P. Gordon, N. Baily, T. Bourgoin, R. C. Brusca, T. C. Cavalier-Smith, M. D. Guiry, P. M. Kirk and T. M. Orrell.  A higher-level classification of all living organisms.  PLoS ONE 10(4): e0119248.  doi:10.1371/journal.pone/0119248.  60 pp.  [Top 10% of all PLoS ONE papers published in 2015; over 500 citations in the scientific literature]

170.  *2015.  Meyer, W. M., J. Eble, K. Franklin, R. B. McManus, S. L. Breantley, J. Henkel, P. E. Marek, W. E. Hall, C. A. Olson, R. McInroy, E. M. Bernal Loaiza, R. C. Brusca and W. Moore.  Ground-dwelling arthropod communities in the Santa Catalina Mountains, a Sky Island range in Southeastern Arizona, USA: Obtaining a baseline for assessing the effects of climate change.  PLOS ONE 10 (9): e0135210. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0135210

171.  2015.  Brusca, R. C.  Sea of Cortez.  Pp. 24-26 in, M. A. Dimmitt, P. W. Comus and L. M. Brewer (eds.), A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert 2nd ed.  University of California and Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press, Arizona. 

172.  2015.  Ingram, M. and R. C. Brusca.  Desert Storms.  Pp. 45-54 in, M. A. Dimmitt, P. W. Comus and L. M. Brewer, A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert 2nd ed.  University of California and Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press, Arizona. 

173.  2015.  Van Devender, T. R. and R. C. Brusca.  Deep History of the Sonoran Desert.  Pp. 63-70 in, M. A. Dimmitt, P. W. Comus and L. M. Brewer, A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert 2nd ed.  University of California and Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press, Arizona. 

174.  2015.  Scarborough, R. and R. C. Brusca.  Geologic Origin of the Sonoran Desert.  Pp. 71-84 in, M. A. Dimmitt, P. W. Comus and L. M. Brewer, A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert 2nd ed.  University of California and Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press, Arizona. 

175.  *2016.  Brusca, R. C., W. Moore and S. E. Shuster.  Invertebrates, 3rd ed.  Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.  [Available in paper or eBook; with over 4300 citations in the scientific literature]

176.  *2016.  Sagarin, R. D., J. Adams, C. A. Blanchette, R. C. Brusca, J. Chorover, J. E. Cole, F. Micheli, A. Munguia-Vega, C. M. Rochman, K Bonine, J. van Haren and P. A. Troch.  Between control and complexity: Opportunities and challenges for marine mesocosms.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14(7): 389-396.  doi: 10.1002/fee.1313.

177.  2016.  Brusca, R. C.  Foreword.  Pp. iv-v in, H. Bertsch and L. E. Aguilar Rosas, Marine Invertebrates of Northwest Mexico/Invertebrados Marinos del Noroeste de México.  Uinversidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ensenada, Mexico.

178.  *2017.  Brusca, R. C., S. Álvarez-Borrego, P. A. Hastings and L. T. Findley.  Colorado River flow and biological productivity in the Northern Gulf of California, Mexico.  Earth-Science Reviews 164: 1-30.  doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2016.10.012.  [published online 16 November 2016]

179.  2017.  Brusca, R. C.  Structure and Evolution of Invertebrate Nervous Systems.  A. Schmidt-Rhaesa, S. Harzsch and G. Purschke (eds.).  [book review]  Quarterly Review of Biology.  92: 102-103.

180.  *2017.  Rogers, D. C. and 82 others.  Images are not and should not ever by type specimens: A rebuttal to Garraffoni & Freitas.  Zootaxa 4269(4): 455-459.

181.  2017.  Brusca, R. C., R. Bauer, M. García-Guerrero and M. Wicksten.  Michel E. Hendrickx, recipient of the 2016 The Crustacean Society Excellence in Research Award.  Journal of Crustacean Biology 37(3): 363-364.

182.  2018.  Brusca, R. C.  The Collecting Success of Ed Ricketts and John Steinbeck on the 1940 Sea of Cortez Expedition.  Western Flyer Foundation Newsletter, March 2018.

183.  2018.  Brusca, R. C.  Lax science can have negative impacts on conservation: A rebuttal to Lau and Jacobs (2017).  PeerJ Preprints, May 2018,  7 pp.

184.  2018.  Brusca, R. C.  A reply to Jacobs and Lau (2108).  PeerJ, Comments.  24 May 2018.  7 pp.

185.  *2018.  Morzaria-Luna, H. N., G. Cruz-Piñón, R. C. Brusca, A. M. López Ortiz, M. Moreno-Báez, H. Reyes-Bonilla and P. Turk-Boyer.  Biodiversity hotspots are not congruent with conservation areas in the Gulf of California.  Biodiversity and Conservation, 27(14): 3819-3842. [Published online 19 September 2018]

186.  *2018.  Brusca, R. C., W. Moore and S. E. Shuster (translated by Guanabara Koogan).  Invertebrados, 3a edição.  Saraiva Academic Press, São Paulo.  [Portuguese Edition]

187.  2019.  Rojas-Bracho, L., R. C. Brusca, S. Álvarez-Borrego, R. L. Brownell, Jr., V. Camacho-Ibar, G. Ceballos, H. de la Cueva, J. García-Hernández, P. A. Hastings, G. Cárdenas-Hinojosa, A. M. Jaramillo Legorreta, R. Medellín, S. L. Mesnick, E. Nieto-García, J. Urbán, E. Velarde, O. Vidal, L. T. Findley, B. L. Taylor.  Unsubstantiated scientific claims can lead to tragic conservation outcomes.  BioScience 69(1): 12-14 (plus supplemental materials).  doi: 10.1093/biosci/biy138

188.  2019.  Rojas-Bracho, L., R. C. Brusca, S. Álvarez-Borrego, R. L. Brownell, Jr., V. Camacho-Ibar, G. Ceballos, H. de la Cueva, J. García-Hernández, P. A. Hastings, G. Cárdenas-Hinojosa, A. M. Jaramillo Legorreta, R. Medellín, S. L. Mesnick, E. Nieto-García, J. Urbán, E. Velarde, O. Vidal, L. T. Findley and B. L. Taylor.  Reply to Flessa and colleagues.  Bioscience 69(5): 322-323.  doi: 10.1093/biosci/biz022.

189.  2019.  Brusca, R. C.  In the Land of the Feathered Serpent. A Novel.  Quetzalcoatl Press/KDP, Tucson, AZ.  473 pp.  Copyright 20 March 2019.  2022 BIBA Award for Best Literary Fiction.  2021 Finalist, Somerset Award for Literary Fiction  [Available in paperback or Kindle at]

190.  2019.  Brusca, R. C.  La Expedición de Ricketts y Steinbeck al Mar de Cortés.  Pp. 33-36 in, R. B. Primack and O. Vidal, Introducción a la Biología de la Conservación.  Ediciones Científicas Universitarias, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico City.

191.  *2020.  Vidal, O. and R. C. Brusca.  Mexico’s biocultural diversity in peril.  Revista Biología Tropical 68(2): 669-691.

192.  2020.  Vidal, O. and R. C. Brusca.  La diversidad biocultural de México está amenazada/Mexico’s biocultural diversity in peril.  El Universal, Opinión, 5 April 2020 (Mexico City). 

193.  2020.  Brusca, R. C. and O. Vidal.  Un nuevo santo, el Padre Kino: un mensaje persnal para el Papa Francisco/A new saint, Padre Kino: A personal message for Pope Francis.  El Universal, Opinión, 18 July 2020 (Mexico City).

194.  *2020.  Brusca, R. C. (ed.).  The 1940 Ricketts-Steinbeck Sea of Cortez Expedition: An 80-Year Retrospective.  Journal of the Southwest 62(2): 215-514.

195.  2020.  Brusca, R. C.  Publishing the Southwest.  Journal of the Southwest 62(2): 215-217.

196.  *2020.  Brusca, R. C.  The 1940 Steinbeck-Ricketts Sea of Cortez expedition, with annotated lists of species and collection sites.  Journal of the Southwest 62(2): 218-334.

197.  *2020.  Brusca, R. C. and T. L. Haskin.  The making of a marine biologist: Ed Ricketts.  Journal of the Southwest 62(2): 335-372.

197.  2020.  Brusca, R. C. and O. Vidal.  Un nuevo santo, el Padre Kino: Un mensaje personal para el Papa Francisco.  Boletín Eclesiástico. Órgano oficial de la Arquidiócesis de Guadalajara (Guadalajara, Jalisco, México) 7 September 2020, 14 (9): 14-17.

199.  2020.  Vidal, O. and R. C. Brusca.  Los desafíos ambientales de López Obrador y Biden.  El Universal, Opinión, 7 April 2020 (Mexico City).  English version: Environmentalists see blue skies ahead under new US administration (Mexico News Daily, 9 Nov. 2020)  ENGLISH:  SPANISH:

200.  2020.  Vidal, O. and R. C. Brusca.  Ciencia Asediada/Science Under Siege.  El Universal, Opinión, 24 October 2020 (Mexico City).

201.  *2020.  Mitchell, D. R., J. Mabry, N. Martínez Tagüeña, G. Huckleberry, R. C. Brusca and M. S. Shackley.  Prehistoric adaptation, identity, and interaction along the northern Gulf of California.  California Archaeology 12(2) 163-195.

202.  2021.  Vidal, O. and R. C. Brusca.  El Legado Siniestro de Donald Trump.  El Universal, Opinión, 20 January 2021 (Mexico City). 

203.  2021.  Brusca, R. C. and O. Vidal.  Dispelling myths about undocumented immigrants.  Arizona Daily Star, 1 February 2021.

204.  2021.  Vidal, O. and R. C. Brusca.  Todos somos migrantes. Todos venimos de algún lado.  El Universal, Opinión, 6 February 2021 (Mexico City)  English version published in Halting and Healing the Border Disorder, 14 February 2020

205.  *2021.  Osland, M. J., P. W. Stevens, M. M. Lamont, R. C. Brusca. K. M. Hart, J. H. Waddle, C. A. Langtimm, C. M. Williams, B. D. Keim, A. J. Terando, E. A. Reyier, K. E. Marshall, M. E. Loik, R. E. Boucek, A. B. Lewis and Jeff Seminoff.  Tropicalization of temperate ecosystems in North America: The northward range expansion of tropical organisms in response to warming winter temperatures.  Global Change Biology 27(13): 3009-3034.   ALSO: see Commentary by L. Walters and Giovanna McClenachan, Global Change Biology (doi:10.1111/GCB.15631) and Popular Science review at

206.  2021.  Vidal, O. and R. C. Brusca.  Vecinos Distantes/Distant Neighbors.  El Universal, Opinión, 7 May 2021 (Mexico City).  English version published in Mexico News Daily:

207.  2021.  Vidal, O. and R. C. Brusca.  Bienvenida, vicepresidenta Kamala Harris/Welcome to Mexico, Madam Vice President, Now Bear the Following in Mind.  El Universal, Opinión, 9 June 2021 (Mexico City).  English version published in Mexico News Daily, 6 June 2021:

208.  2021.  Vidal, O. and R. C. Brusca.  ¿El regreso de los Tres Amigos?  El Universal, Opinión, 18 November 2021 (Mexico City).  English version published as: Can AMLO, Biden and Trudeau get back to important trilateral business?  Mexico News Daily, Opinion, 18 November 2021.

209.  *2022.  Brusca, R. C.  A modern overview of crustacean biogeography: Evolution and Biogeography Review.  Journal of Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 95(2): 130-134,  [Review of G. C. B. Poore and M. Thiel (eds.), Evolution and Biogeography. Vol. 8 in, The Natural History of Crustacea.  Oxford University Press] 

210.  2022.  Brusca, R. C. and O. Vidal.  Here’s how Arizona’s plan to sate its thirst will harm the Gulf of California.  Mexico News Daily, Opinión, 10 February 2022 (Mexico City)  Also “Desalinating Sea of Cortez is the wrong path,” Arizona Daily Star, Opinion, 10 February 2022  And, “Desalinizando al Mar de Cortés,” El Universal, 9 February 2022, Opinión

 *2022.  Brusca, R. C., G. Giribet, W. Moore.  Invertebrates, 4th ed.  Sinauer Associates/Oxford University Press, NY.  EBook and print versions. 

212.  2022.  Brusca, R. C.  The Water Buffalo in the Room.  Editorial in Arizona Daily Star, 4 August 2022 (reprinted in Desert Corner Journal, the Newsletter of Tohono Chul.  Online version:

213.  2022.  Flanagan, C. A. and R. C. Brusca.  Donald A. Thomson. Un recuerdo.  Geomare Zoologica 4(2): 57-66.   Available at:

 2022.  Brusca, R. C. and I. Williams.  Howard L. Sanders. (1921-2001).  National Academy of Sciences, Biographical Memoirs, 2022: 1-45.

 2023.  Brusca, R. C.  The Time Travelers.  Quetzalcoatl Press/KDP, Tucson, AZ.  310 pp.  Copyright 3 February 2023.  [Available in paperback or Kindle at, and at selected bookstores]  2024 Independent Press Award for Hispanic Fiction.

 2023.  Flanagan, C. A. and R. C. Brusca.  Donald A. Thomson (1932-2022). A remembrance.  Ichthyology & Herpetology 111(2): 343-347.

 2023.  Vidal, O., R. L. Brownell, Jr., J. Torre, R. C. Brusca.  Última llamada para salvar a la vaquita.  El Universal, editorial.

 *2023.  Brusca, R. C. and M. E. Hendrickx.  Update on the Gulf of California Marine Macroinvertebrates Database.  Geomare Zoologica 5(2): 57-62.

219.  *2024.  Brusca, R. C.  A personal reflection on changes in marine science education over the past sixty years.  ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2024: 1-13.

220.  *2024.  Brusca, R. C.  Coastal ecology of the northeastern Gulf of California and the Puerto Peñasco-Bahía Adair Region.  Pp. 26-38 in, Mitchell, D. R., J. B. Mabry, G. Huckleberry, N. Martínez-Tegüeña (eds.), Coastal Foragers of the Gran Desierto: Investigations of Prehistoric Shell Middens along the Northern Sonoran Coast.  Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona, No. 83. 

 *2024.  Mitchell, D. R., K. Rowell and R. C. Brusca.  Pp. 126-129 in, D. R. Mitchell, J. B. Mabry, G. Huckleberry, N. Martínez-Tegüeña (eds.), Coastal Foragers of the Gran Desierto: Investigations of Prehistoric Shell Middens along the Northern Sonoran Coast.  Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona, No. 83.

 *2024.  *Mac Loughlin, C, T. Valdivia-Carrillo, F. Valenzuela-Quiñonez, H. Reyes-Bonilla, R. C. Brusca and A. Munguia-Vega.  eDNA metabarcoding warms up a hotspot of marine biodiversity: Revealing underrepresented taxa in visual surveys and historical records from the Gulf of California.  (With supplemental figures and tables)  Marine Biodiversity 54:22. 

 2024.  Brusca, R. C.  A UofA Failure of Leadership.  Editorial in Arizona Daily Star, 2 March 2024.

224.  2024.  Vidal, O. and R. C. Brusca.  Vidal & Brusca, Election Day OpEd, El Universal.pdf5 Nov. 2024. [An election day essay]  English transcript at Vidal-Brusca Election Day OpEd ENG TRANS.pdf.


Brusca, R. C.  The Divide Between Humanities and Science: Why It Matters and How it Can be Repaired.  Ethics Press, Cambridge.  Scheduled publication date May 2025.
*Vidal, O., R. L. Brownell, Jr., L. T. Findley, J. Torre-Cosío, and R. C. Brusca.  Vaquita, Phocoena sinus Norris and McFarland,1958.  In, T. A. Jefferson (ed.), Handbook of Marine Mammals, Vol. 1. Coastal Dolphins and Porpoises.  Elsevier.  Scheduled publication date winter 2024. 
*Brusca, R. C., W. Moore and G. Giribet.  Invertebrados, 4a edição.  Saraiva Academic Press, São Paulo.  [Portuguese Edition, in translation stage]


*Vidal, O. and R. C. Brusca.  Nuestros 7 Pecados Ambientales/Our 7 Deadly Environmental Sins.
*Brusca, R. C.  A Natural History of the Sea of Cortez.  Slogging along.


Hip Hip, It’s Monsoon Day/Ajúa, ya llegó el chubasco.  Text by Roni Capin-Ashford; illustrations by Richard Johnsen. 
        Awards: 2007 Best Southwestern Children’s Books; 2008 AAAS Science Children’s Book Highest Recommendation;
        2008 Américas Award for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (University of Wisconsin), Commended Title.  2009
        OneBookAZ Award (the Arizona State Libraries “one book that every child in Arizona should read in 2009”).
The Little Saguaro/El sahuarito.  Text by Shannon Young; illustrations by Kim Duffek. Independent Book Publisher’s (IPPY)
        2008 Medal for Multicultural Children’s Book.
Alice. A Story of Friendship/Alicia. La historia de una amistad.  Text by William Verbooten; illustrations by Priscilla
Katie, of the Sonoran Desert.  Text by Kate Jackson; illustrations by Natalie Rowe. 2010 Independent Book Publisher’s
        (IPPY) Silver Medal for Multicultural Children’s Book; 2010 Moonbeam Gold Medal for Spanish Language
        Children's Books.


Mountain Wildflowers of Southern Arizona. A Field Guide to the Santa Catalina Mountains and Other Nearby Ranges.  Text
        and photography by Frank Rose; book development and production by R. Brusca and L. Brewer.  2011.
Mission San Xavier. A Story of Saints and Angels, Art and Artists.  Text and art by Edna San Miguel; book development and production by R. Brusca and L. Brewer.  2011.
Vanishing Circles. Portraits of Disappearing Wildlife in the Sonoran Desert Region.  Text by L. Brewer & Foreword by
        Richard Leakey; book development and production by R. Brusca.  2010.  IPPY Medal for Western Regional Non-Fiction Book.
A Desert Illuminated. Cactus Flowers of the Sonoran Desert.  Photography by John P. Schaefer; book development and
        production by R. Brusca.  2010.
And numerous others.